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Nut cracker Walnut cracker with pre-shelling: Storage hopper: 1 m³. Automatic feeding 4 breaking heads 70 to 80 kg of nuts broken per hour breaking

Drying tower
Drying tower Drying towers optimise the drying cost by using warm air that is not fully loaded with moisture to dry the upper floors. The

Grinder Stainless steel wheel filled with concrete, width 400 mm, diameter 900 mm Capacity approx. 20 kg of crushed kernels per cycle Cycle time 15

Hazelnut cleaner
Dry cleaner hazelnut Long cylinder 3m, Ø 800mm 1st zone: separation of small(dust, smallstones) 2nd zone: rejection of large waste(wood, clods of earth, large stones)

Hollow nut separator
Hollow nut separator hollow nut separator Sorting solid nuts / hollow nuts: 2500 to 3000 kg/h speed adjustable by electronic variator 400V three-phase 7.5kW This

OIL PRESS Oil press for nuts, hazelnuts, almonds, argan nuts Several models with powers of 70, 90 or 200 tons. Specifications of the 90 ton

Peeler Washer
Peeler Washer LE1230 Peeler Washer for nuts lg2500 Useful capacity: 0,6 m³ (400 kg of fresh unpeeled nuts) Shelling time: 15min Power supply 400V three

Peeler Washer
Peeler Washer Doc6 Peeler Washer Nuts peeler washer Capacity: 80 kg Bottom: steel point 230V/400V 2,2kW High efficiency self-cleaning efficiency Dimensions Width: 1,14 mLength :

Separator by suction
Separator by suction Kernels and shells separator by suction: This separator allows a finer adjustment than a simple column separator with a double suction on

Separator S100
Separator S100 Nuts kernels shells separator: Capacity: 150 kg/h adjustable speed by electronic variator 230V mono 0.1 kW Design: Area in contact with the product

Séparator S3000
Séparator S3000 separateur-nuts-fresh1 FRESH NUT SEPARATOR Designed to be positioned at the washer outlet, it can also separate dry nuts or hazelnuts thanks to the

Separator S550
Separator S550 Hollow walnut / shell kernel separator: Used on dry walnuts or after breaking to separate shells from kernels Sorting full walnuts / hollow